Caton Castle Lounge in Baltimore: featuring Bobby Watson, Warren Wolf, Curtis Lundy, Eric Kennedy, and Jordan Williams.

Caton Castle Lounge in Baltimore: featuring Bobby Watson, Warren Wolf, Curtis Lundy, Eric Kennedy, and Jordan Williams.
JAN Editor Christopher Burnett’s favorite albums of 2023 list, with audio embeds, and reasons why.
Musings In Cb (ARTICLE) “Why Charlie Parker Remains Significant” I read that the Miles Davis masterpiece album “SEVEN STEPS TO HEAVEN” turned 60 years old on July 16 of this year. And it validates that all thoughtfully done professional music truly has no expiration dates. Regardless of any music genre labels applied to it. Another […]
ALBUM:BOOK OF SECRETS ARTIST:PATRICK CORNELIUS Watch the official video Video by Luke Marantz Listen to the album Another great album by Patrick Cornelius. His writing continues to reverently move the music into our times. The playing is superb throughout. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Available everywhere. — Christopher Burnett, JAN Patrick Cornelius: Alto Saxophone Behn Gillece: Vibes Art […]
All in all this is an impressive effort from Simeon Davis, both for his writing and his playing. With luck and perseverance, he will certainly have a great future in creative music.
Article by Joshua Rivera and Jackson HarrisonCompiled and Edited by Christopher Burnett Jazz Artistry Now poses two questions in our “Next Generation Perspectives” series to jazz artists who are current Fellows as well as Alumni of the Kansas City Area Youth Jazz program. We believe that it is important to hear from our youngest musicians. […]
Here’s my list of 10 favorite albums released in 2021 and why I selected each of them…
Mr. Adler returns with the second part of his “Favorite Albums of 2021” list. Please note that albums are not listed in any particular ranking order.
Here are 10 of David R. Adler’s favorite album releases of 2021 along with his review commentary. Albums are not ranked in any particular order and are embedded into the article as a reference for listening.
“Even during the pandemic, thousands of worthwhile jazz recordings were released in 2021. Some are cutting edge and seek to move the music ahead while others are creative within the context of established styles. Here are ten that remained in my memory long after I played them. Next month I will list ten equally rewarding recordings that are reissues or historical recordings from earlier times.” ~ Scott Yanow, JAN